Autism Awareness: It actually begins at home
Autism in children presents itself as individuals having immense difficulties in coping with the world and having other developmental and language disorders, the full extent of which varies from individual to individual. Autism affects about 1 in every 68 children in the US and thus is quite a common problem worldwide. The symptoms of autism can be grouped into three wide categories, verbal and non-verbal communication, relating to others and the flexibility of thinking and behavior. Detection of autism in the early stages can help increase awareness in the parents and help in the development of children from the home itself. Thus, knowledge of the symptoms of autism is extremely important in the treatment of the disorder.Awareness for children with autism starts at the home.
- Language- slow speech development, repetitive use of words and phrases, monotonous and flat speech and monosyllabic answers.
- Responses- No responses to calls of others, rejecting physical contact, negative responses to requests to do something.
- Interaction to others- unaware of personal space or rejecting people entering personal space, disinterest in interacting with others, avoiding social situations, detached from others and rare use of gestures and facial expressions.
Detection of symptoms by parents can help in improving the development of such children. There are a few tips that can help parents to increase awareness about autistic children in the sphere of the home.
- Increase Awareness about the disorder- parents of autistic children need to improve their understanding about the disease. Reading books, literature and attending seminars can help parents be more aware of the specific problems faced by your child. Enrolling in support groups, both online and offline with parents having autistic children can help you find tricks and tips for helping with the development of your child.
- Seek help- Raising an autistic child is a mammoth task and you will need help from time to time. Spreading awareness about your child’s condition amongst the neighbors and the police can help you prepare for conditions where the child wanders off. Helping them understand safe ways to approach the child in such a scenario can decrease the chance of any harm coming to the child.
- Home Atmosphere- Creating a good atmosphere for the child at home includes a practice of the various treatment processes learned through therapists in the home realm as well. Children should understand that such behavioral patterns should be practiced everywhere and at every realm of their lives.
- Use Objective Assessment- Using assessment of the improvements in your child can help you determine if any therapy or practice that may not be working for your child. In a case where a therapy may not work, you should immediately change it to find something that would suit the child more.
Following a few simple steps at home can help you care for your child so that he can develop better and live a better life. Though it is a daily struggle living life with an autistic child, ultimately making efforts pays off in children being able to lead fairly normal lives.