Best Sports activities for children with ADHD
Children with ADHD can help gain focus and improve their behavior through sports and other activities. According to research, involving children with ADHD in sports and other outdoor activities can provide them with a more open environment to express their feelings. Playing sports can also help them understand the dynamics of functioning in a team and inculcates the spirit of winning and losing.
While choosing the right activity for your child, keep in mind their interests. Pushing your child into any sport without their consent can cause a lot more stress. It will be difficult in the beginning as kids with ADHD often display hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. Support from parents and the right coach can encourage them.
There are many sports or outdoor activities that can help kids with ADHD expend excess energy, build concentration and encourage team-building skills. Here are some of them:
- Tennis
Tennis is an individual sport that is great for someone who finds it hard to cope with a team. With tennis, children can compete against themselves and master the skill. It is also a great sport to build concentration, as well as to release pent up anger and stress.
- Martial Arts
Martial arts involves a step-by-step training approach. This is useful for children with ADHD and helps them be focused on an activity for a certain duration of time, without being distracted. It teaches other behavioral aspects such as being respectful, exercising self-control and self-discipline. This can also inculcate the habit of taking directions from others when undertaking new activities.
- Swimming
Swimming is a popular activity for children with ADHD. Besides being fun, it also teaches coordinated body movement, provides sensory comfort and enhances breathing control. It also boosts self-esteem and improves physical fitness.
- Gymnastics
The equipment and movements involved in gymnastics are similar to the ones used in occupational therapy. Such activities helps children pay close attention to their body movements and body balance. It also builds your child’s core strength, sense of balance and muscle awareness to better manage any deficiencies in sensory processing.
- Football
Football is yet another wonderful sport that ADHD children can benefit from. It increases team spirit and encourages peer bonding. Healthy competition can encourage a child to play actively and can also be highly stimulating. Since this game requires one to act continuously, difficulties with short attention span could be improved through this sport.
Apart from these, there may be many other sports and activities that your child is interested in. Remember to find the right coach who can understand children with ADHD and give them the right support to excel in their favorite sport. Playing a sport can have a positive impact on children and can help in gaining self-esteem and confidence, along with reducing their hyperactivity. They are also crucial to building the social life of a child with ADHD and can bring about a positive change in them.