FREE Tools & Webinar to facilitate back-to-school for the special needs!
Michele Gianetti, RN introduces her work with Monica Purdy, MA, CCC-SLP on helping parents of special needs children getting back to school smoothly. It includes a free checklist and article published in Parenting Special Needs, and a free webinar with TalkTools happening September 16, 2017 from 12-1 p.m. EST!
The end of Summer! Or is it?
I know it can be quite confusing when you enter into a store to buy stuff for a picnic and you are assaulted by the sight of mounds of backpacks and posters of smiling children all nicely dressed for the new school year.
The way retail works is like having life on fast forward. “Enjoy Summer but, in case you want them, the Halloween candy is freshly stocked in aisle 10.”
So we are faced with seeing the school year on the horizon a bit earlier than I would like. For me, the thought of a new school year kind of makes me nervous. Not so much from the idea that we cannot handle things, after all we have been doing this for a long time. But from the understanding of the amount of work it does take to make sure all the “t’s” are crossed and the “i’s” are dotted for a new school year.
There are a lot of things to get in order, and a lot of them involve communication of information.
From the home to the new educator.
From the therapist(s) used in Summer, to the home and to the school therapists.
From the home to the intervention specialists.
It does take work but it is, in my opinion, critical for success and growth.
My communications over the years have taken on many different forms but in the last seven years, we have settled on a communication system that works.
I have always been such a firm believer in the importance of communication between all the members of “Team Elizabeth.”
This is why I am so excited to share with you the article that recently got published in Parenting Special Needs!
The article was a wonderful collaborative effort with Monica Purdy who is a speech therapist, as well as on the TalkTools speaker’s bureau.
The article centers on the area of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).
The article contains some great PDF files of templates for communication with the school that I have used, such as:
- The “introduction” letter which tells the new educator and staff all about your child.
- The “Update” letter for the intervention specialists which provides them all the updates about your child since school ended in the Spring.
- The daily communication sheet– which is easy to use and can be changed as needed.
These PDF’s can be very helpful, either in the form they are in, or as a baseline for you to use to make your own.
I invite you to read the article and hopefully, it will help you as you plan the start to a new school year. Or perhaps, it will give you guidance if you are just now starting your journey with your child.
Please watch this page for information about the free webinar that is happening next month based on the information in this article: “Webinar – SPD: Becoming an advocate for your child.”
I wish everyone a peaceful August and hope to “see” you at the Webinar.
Michele Gianetti is a mom of three, registered nurse, and published author (“I Believe in You,” “Emily’s Sister”). She writes for TalkTools Blog every month about her experience caring for Elizabeth, her daughter with Sensory Processing Disorder and Dyspraxia. Follow her story since the beginning here.