Helping Special Children to Develop Motor Skills at Home
The only short-cut to the paramount peak of success is with hard work added with unbreakable patience. This universal ethic and concept also gets applied to those kids who have special needs or are disabled in some way or the other.
What are Fine Motor Skills? In its essence, motor skills imply any form of action that may involve the use of muscles of the hands by your kid or baby. Gross motor skills are those actions that include the larger movements. These skills may include the use of not just the limbs but also that of the entire body. Fine motor skills are those that include smaller kinds of action like playing puzzles, finger-painting and so on. On a general basis, fine motor skills mainly focus to develop and enhance the skills that the muscles of the hands have. Motor skills are something that all kids would love to indulge in. However with special kids come special needs and requirements.
Teaching Fine Motor Skills to Special Kids For special children or kids, gross motor skills can be at times really fatal. Thus, they need to know the right way to learn the fine motor skills while assuring complete safety, which can be done only back at home. On this issue, it becomes important for the one who is training these children to learn motor skills to take care that the child is completely comfortable and relaxed. Complete care and attention is the first priority that any trainer should ensure.
For making this process an enjoyable one, you can include playful activities such as:
- Playing with Play-Doh,
- Cutting or the use of scissors (Make sure they have their sensitive thumbs kept up),
- Letting them to play board games,
- Letting them to play dump-trucks,
- Letting them to paint some bathroom murals,
- Allowing them to make paper dolls and
- Letting them to play with string games.
Besides these there are other activities as well that can make them love getting involved in learning these fine motor skills. These activities are not just for playing but they can also let these kids to learn some other concepts as well. As for example while playing with the dump-trucks, these kids will not only be having fun while dumping and scattering the toys, but they will be also learning to keep them in an organized way.
Playful yet Utility Based Activities With activities like cutting, that involves the use of scissors or likewise sharp objects, make sure to supervise them. Let them know and when necessary correct them, when they hold objects in the wrong way. While doing this, not only you will be enhancing their fine motor skills but will also show them that you care for them. All throughout, with any kind of activity, make sure you or anyone else is present and should also participate in these activities with similar enthusiasm.
Thus making special children learn any kind of fine motor skill is not that tough. With complete care, not only your kid will be learning but also you will be able to spend some real quality time with your child.