How can toys help special needs kid to get over their anxiety?
Special needs kids are just like any other kid. They love to play and spend time with their favourite toys. However, the special kids usually feel threatened by any kind of new stimuli. So you need to be careful while introducing them to new toys. Just remember to take baby steps with your special kid and you will be good to go. Toys play a very important role in a special kid’s life. They usually need a lot of stimulation on a daily basis and the toys serve that exact purpose. Regular toys may not be very useful for a special kid. So you need to go ahead for the special toys made for the special kids. They are made in such a way so that they provide them with enough stimulation and bring about a healthy impact in their life. Some toys provide tactile stimulation, some provide oral stimulation, and some give motor stimulation and so on and so forth. Here are some toys which can helps special needs kid to get over their anxiety.
- Toys play a big role in helping the child with their emotional and anxiety issues. Normally, an autistic child feels threatened by a new environment. In such a scenario toys might help them to calm down. They are distracted by the toys and hence slowly start getting used to the new environment. Most autistic children also have anxiety issues. Whenever they feel anxious they have a tendency to start chewing on anything and everything. In order to help them with their anxiety specific toys can be provided to them. By gnawing on such toys they can feel their anxiety ebbing away.
- Toys help children with their oral motor skills. There are specific toys which have raised surface. When the special kids chew on the toys they receive stimulation on their tongues, jaws and palate. The stimulation they receive enables them to start speaking. As most of the autistic kids are non verbal, toys play a major role in helping them to speak. Hence the right toys can help a special kid to improve their communication skills.
- Toys also help a special child to improve their tactile skills. Most of the special kid cannot hold a pencil or a pen. With the help of weighted toys they can improve their tactile sensations and with months of use they can successfully hold a pencil or a pen. Moreover, there are other tactile toys too which improve their sensations of touch. Most autistic kids are wary of touching anything new that provides new sensations. Such tactile toys like building blocks can help solve the issue. Building blocks also help with the creativity of the children as they learn to build with the blocks.
- Toys with blocks or alphabets also encourage the special child in their learning experience. This is very important as learning in a formal setting may be quite problematic for an autistic child. There is nothing better than learning while playing for such special kids.