How to help ADHD children do better in group situations
Group situations can be particularly challenging for ADHD children. They have the potential to deteriorate and become a negative experience for children with ADHD, as well as others within the group. Most children want to succeed, make friends and do well in group situations, even though they may have a difficult time doing so. How you approach it can make a world of difference in a child’s experience. Here are some steps that you can take to help ADHD children do better in group situations:
- Recognize ADHD as a genuine disorder
Before you can help an ADHD child, it is important that you understand the magnitude of ADHD as a brain disorder that impacts everyday behavior of the child. It is neither a reflection of a child’s character, nor of his intelligence or upbringing. The behaviors and consequences in an ADHD child are often unintended and not willful. Once you recognize that ADHD children often have little or no control over themselves, you’re likely to handle interactions with them differently.
- Focus on the Positives
In order to attain success while working with ADHD children, you must focus on their strengths and provide opportunities for learning. ADHD kids are passionate, enthusiastic and full of energy. Make it a point to compliment them on their good things. Channeling their behavior in a positive manner can reduce the odds of them misbehaving.
- Alter Your Expectations
When it comes to emotional maturity, ADHD children are often two to three years behind their peers. This can be confusing for adults, especially if the ADHD child is physically large for their age, but behaves like someone much younger, socially and emotionally. Alter your expectations for their behavior and you’ll do fine while helping them adjust to group situations.
- Give Step by Step Directions
Kids with ADHD have trouble following multi-step directions. If you give them a series of instructions in one go, they’re more likely to wind up confused. They may only be able to follow the first few steps and will get distracted for the rest. Giving them one-step directions helps them succeed and do better at managing their allotted tasks.
- Take advice from their Parents
While dealing with ADHD children, talking to their parents for guidance might be a good idea. Parents know what works best when disciplining their child.
- Offer Structure
Children with ADHD respond well to predictability and structure, so they appreciate knowing the routine in advance. Give them a chance to prepare by offering structure while switching activities.
- Keep Calm
ADHD children often do and say things that they don’t mean. They may not have self-control due to their disorder. They are impulsive and prone to shoot off their lips. It is important you keep your calm while dealing with ADHD children and refrain from punishments that might adversely affect their growth. Some of the above mentioned steps can go a long way in building self-confidence of ADHD children while participating in group activities. Once they are given the right support and encouragement, ADHD kids can achieve greater success in life.