Know more about treating ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD has no known cure. However, many treatment approaches can help reduce ADHD symptoms significantly. This helps in improving a child’s performance in school, relationships with others and also improves their self-esteem.
Treatment options will be suggested as per the patient’s needs, and family, medical, and personal history. Some people respond well to medications, others to behavioral interventions, while many respond to a combination of the two. Here are some treatments that work best for children with ADHD.
- Medications
Stimulant medications have been found to be effective in alleviating ADHD symptoms. Some people may respond better to one kind of stimulant than the other. While these are typically the first choice of medication used to treat ADHD, there are several other non-stimulants that may be prescribed. It is important for children on medication to be medically supervised. Effectiveness of medication, side effects, dosages etc. need to be monitored by a medical doctor.
- Behavioural Strategies and Interventions
While ADHD is not caused by environmental factors, it can certainly be influenced by them. A chaotic, unstructured, unorganized setting can increase these symptoms. On the other hand, a setting that is structured, predictable, and motivating can greatly help. Many children with ADHD respond well to a reward system with clear consequences for behaviors.
- Parent-Training
Parents dealing with ADHD children can find that the condition is extremely exhausting. Education and training can help parents deal with ADHD children. It gives parents the right tools and techniques for managing behavior problems at home. Parents may also benefit from support and acknowledgement that they are on the right track.
- Social Skills Training
Social skills training focuses on helping an individual with ADHD learn new, more appropriate behaviors and ways of interacting with others. The goal is to improve the basic ways an individual relates and interacts with others on a daily basis.
- Counseling and Coaching
ADHD often results in broken friendships, poor relationships, and a plunging self-esteem. Counseling or psychotherapy provides a child with ADHD a place to process feelings and develop strategies for dealing with the effects of ADHD. An ADHD coach partners with their clients to create daily structure and organization while providing support and encouragement to set goals and rewards, and keep them focused even when obstacles occur.
People who have loved ones with ADHD, such as children, parents, spouses etc., as well as individuals with ADHD may find strength, education and encouragement in support groups. Sharing with others who are going through the same situations can be a tremendous booster.
If a person does not seem to be responding to a multi treatment approach, the original diagnosis of ADHD must be reviewed. Coexisting conditions that may be contributing to the lack of improvement should also be reassessed. This will help in better treatment for individuals with ADHD symptoms.