Every parent has at one point or the other wondered why their child persistently sucks on buttons, fingers, shirts, pencils, or simply toys when no other means of oral stimulation is available. Rather than ignoring it as ‘just a phase’, parents should take strict measures to prevent this unhygienic habit. Gone are the days when you had to discipline your child through harsh reproach and ending up looking like the villain! With Chew Lolli you can ensure a fluid transition of your child towards the freedom from unnecessary sensory input without burning a hole in your pocket!
Variety, Variety, Variety!
You as a parent might have noticed that your child’s short attention span is generally attracted by objects, which are vibrant with colour. Keeping this is mind, Chew Lolli can be availed in a variety of shades like sunset orange, light green and electric blue and unique shapes like “SWIRL PLAIN”, “KNOBBY PLAIN”, “KNOBBY PLAIN YELLOW” and “SWIRL PLAIN GRAPE” so that your child will never be bored with the multitude of options at his disposal! Not only is the design quirky, but also practical as the Lolli comes in with a textured handle so that your child can have easy grip on this one of a kind invention!
Lollies make healthy enjoyable!
Chew Lolli assimilates the best of both worlds into a simple device by providing the same oral stimulating sensation that a vast magnitude of food textures generate in the mouth in a cost effective package. The oral motor skills if subjected to destructive grinding might cause faulty formation of teeth besides irreparably harming the soft tissue membrane. However, the sleek yet curvaceous design of this product ensures that the teeth can grow undeterred by providing a uniform chewing mechanism. It doesn’t come as a surprise that medical professionals have declared Chew Lolli as the most safe and best germ free alternative to counter the effects of ADHD, Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Autism.
To toy or not to toy!
However, it must be remembered that though you might fool your child into hygienic oral habits by pretending that Chew Lolli is a toy but you must be alert that it isn’t one and is in fact an oral motor device. Hence, a parent must always exercise caution to ensure that adult supervision in the form of a nanny or a therapist is always provided so that the child doesn’t choke on it even by mistake. Chew Lolli would perform the best when it doesn’t show any indication of being worn out and if you find that it has begun to show signs of decay on regular usage, you must take steps to replace it as soon as possible.
Your child deserves nothing but the best and since the materials and colours of Chew Lolli are FDA approved you just jump the wagon as quickly as possible and indulge your child with some self love because let’s acknowledge the fact that the childhood memories would be cherished more by you than by them!