Managing Children with Behavioural Disabilities
According to the findings of the National Institute of Mental Health, ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder is one of the leading behavioural problems found in children. Most often, parents jump to commonly prescribed medicines like Ritalin in case of suspected ADHD disorders. However, this is not the only or even the first alternative available. Most medicines simply modify a person’s behaviour instead of addressing the real issues causing the problem. There are a lot of steps which can help in the proper management of children having behavioural disorders. A thorough understanding of the extent of the problem and professional help can help figure out the best course of treatment.
Assessing behavioural disorders
Since children engage in a number of behaviours that make little to no sense to adults, it is extremely difficult for parents to diagnose a set of behavioural patterns that may vary from other children of the same age group. In this respect, teachers can be of better help as they can closely monitor any deviant behaviour of an individual from the group. Maintaining a record of the patterns can help parents understand the extent of the problem and can be of major help during treatment.
Some Measures for helping children with behavioural disorders excepting medicines
Though medicines are generally used as one of the most common treatment procedures, it is often advisable to try other safer alternatives initially before jumping to medicines.
- Individual Educational Plans- Many children with disorders like autism use this mode of education where parents and teachers sit down and discuss the mode of education for the child and the goals for the academic year. This benefits children immensely as the targets are set specifically for them, keeping all problems in mind. Though there are legal proceedings before the implementation of IEP’s, it is well worth the trouble.
- Support- Providing support to the child in any form like a meeting between parents, doctor visits or peer groups, a support group can help the child achieve a sense of security that is extremely beneficial for the child. Children can overcome the fear of being mocked through such sessions.
- Cooperative Learning- this is a form of learning that focuses more on hands-on learning over classroom learning. Through edu-play techniques, children can have fun while learning their courses.
- Active lifestyle- Children should engage in outdoor play as much as possible as interactions are of utmost importance in the cure for any behavioural disorder. Children should be encouraged to take part in games and competitions. IEP’s can be tailored to ensure inclusion of physical activities within the classroom.
- Routine lives- Children with behavioural disorders should have a fixed routine for daily activities. Sleeping patterns are dependent on the activities performed in the day.
Behavioural problems call for immediate attention. Children with such problems can face difficulty throughout their lives due to branding as problematic. Though medicines have been proven to be effective in the treatment of behavioural disorders, natural alternatives should be pursued before resorting to medicines.