“Everyone really enjoyed the course. All of the feedback I’ve gotten has also been positive. Lori did a wonderful job presenting. Chad did a great job handling everything on site. It all went very smoothly. And Linda was great to work with as well. I appreciate all her help as we were getting ready for the course. We wanted to share one story with you from the weekend. One of our SLP’s was unable to make the first day because her child was sick and Chad and Linda took care of her. She was able to watch a presentation of the first day on line at home and join everyone on the second day. I got the following text from her around lunchtime that day “These people are wonderful!!!! They sent me great email with easy steps to follow and then called me to follow up. I am watching the video now and will try to be ready tomorrow. Loving the great customer service from TalkTools and SpeakAbility.” We really appreciated all they did to help her. And we were also pleased with how good it was for our company. Thank you for asking us to host the course.”
~ Frances, Host in Charlotte
“The interest that the course of last Saturday generated was so high that some professionals are talking about traveling to continue with deeper training. The demand is there, the opportunity is real.”
~ Nellie, Host in Puerto Rico
“We have already seen improvement with many of our clients using the skills Monica taught us!”
~ Erica, Host in San Diego
These testimonials come from organizations that hosted a TalkTools® workshop in their facility. What it means is that you host the workshop of your choice (see the list below) at your facility, TalkTools® provides all learning material and markets it to professionals in your region. Hosts can be private practices, non-profit organizations, parent groups, or other types of organizations able to meet the requirements. This is how we get to travel across the country (and more!) to train therapists of all horizons.
Here’s a list of workshops available for hosting:
- A Three-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy (1.2 CEU)
- Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach (1.2 CEU)
- A Sensory Motor Approach to Apraxia of Speech and Related Motor Speech Disorders (1.2 CEU)
- Oral Placement Therapy: Assessment and Program Plan Development (1.2 CEU)
- Developing Oral Sensory Motor Skills to Support Feeding in the Down Syndrome Population (0.6 CEU)
- Rehabilitative Feeding and Speech Techniques for Teens and Adults (0.6 CEU)
- Oral Placement Therapy to Improve Speech Clarity and Feeding Skills (0.6 CEU)
- Pediatric Dysphagia: Interpreting the MBSS and Planning Treatment (0.6 CEU)
- Adult Dysphagia: Interpreting the MBSS and Planning Treatment (0.6 CEU)
- Oral Placement to Speech: Transitioning Muscle Memory into Speech Sound Production (0.6 CEU)
- Partnering Effectively with Parents: Maximize the Potential of Children Receiving Therapy (0.6 CEU)
- Solving the Puzzle of Autism: Using Tactile Therapy Techniques (0.6 CEU)
- Oral Placement Therapy: Clinical Implications for Tongue Thrust and Lisp (0.6 CEU)
- Sensory Intervention Techniques for Speech-Language Pathologists (0.6 CEU)
TalkTools® in Numbers:
- TalkTools® has been known for its quality, clinically relevant Continuing Education since 1996.
- 75,000+ SLPs have attended our workshops with over 95% recommending them to their colleagues.
- Our email database has over 30,000 contacts, with the possibility to send geo-targeted campaigns.
Benefits of Hosting a Workshop for an Organization:
- EDUCATE YOUR STAFF with unique learning material, appropriate CEUs, free products and other advantages.
- BE A KNOWLEDGE GENERATOR by educating your audience to cutting edge clinical strategies that can be implemented right away.
- DEVELOP PUBLIC RELATIONS with professionals and families affected by speech and feeding disabilities in your community.
To learn more, read our Host Packet here.