Tips for getting the special needs children learn social skills
There are many kids with special needs e.g. children on Autism Spectrum, lacks the social understandings, which prevent them from navigating various social conditions and situations as other kids usually have in general. While most of the kids are operate on their social instinct, the children with special needs fail to do so due to missing neural connections. Some important skills and understandings, those we need our kids to be equipped, are:
- Listening
- Making and keeping friends
- Patience
- Cooperation
- Turn-taking
- Being respectful
- Helping others
Special needs children have to be taught these issues as well as the behavioral activities so that they would be able to cope with situations in daily life. As these children not able to learn like other kids, one has to be patient and careful in training them because it is a lifelong process that is required for these special needs children.
- While playing in the home together, the observation of kid’s behavior and interests are a crucial issue. Verbalization is the other aspect at the time of doing work together. A timer could be set to make the kid attentive of his or her turn in a combined game or job.
- Whilst reading a book or watching a film or TV program, talk about the facial expressions of characters, body signs and what might be the emotions or thoughts.
- Blending with sporting groups and further social activities can be very successful though these have to be chosen carefully and the child should be prepared accordingly. Prior to starting of the sessions, talk about the expectations, roles play that might occur and sketch illustrations.
- Overwhelming results can be achieved by community interactions. Teach the child a suitable way to let a mature fellow know that they require a break from a public condition.
- These need to be done repeatedly at a regular interval. Sometime it may look like a monotonous activity but this has immense potential to teach the special needs children to accustom them with social skills.
- Children with special needs often fail to read the social cues and other’s body language, therefore, there is a mandatory need to teach them with special care and method may be by using stories, verbal or pictorial that defines specific needs and behavior. It would have been helpful for them to learn about the society, environment, neighbors, friendship etc., which have immense potential in easing their daily life.
- Various Studies have revealed that liberated play, as contrasting to extremely planned activities, persuade more social interaction in children (with or without special needs). Nevertheless, the amount of societal communication increases once the adults primarily offer a certain amount of arrangement (ascertaining rules, assigning function).
- One should not be amused or get worried if the overgrown special need kid wants to play with younger friends because they might be feeling a sense of comfort in playing with younger kids rather same-age or overage children.