Tips for Parenting a Child with an Attention Disorder
Parenting itself is a lot of responsibility. Your parenting will shape up your kid’s personality when he grows into an adult. And there will be no one to blame if something is wrong in your child’s character so you have to be very much careful. The case is much worse when your child is suffering from attention disorder. A child diagnosed with attention disorder The scenario inside the house drastically changes if your child has attention disorders. They are mainly known as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), whichever the case may be the consequences are not good. There is a lot of tension inside the house. Being the parents it is something you have never experienced so it is advisable to stay calm and support your kid in every possible way. Always remember that a child suffering from ADD/ADHD want to listen to their parents but it is an inability of the brain to cope up with the instructions given to them. Frustration will come along the way but you have to deal with it. Whatever you do, it will have an impact on your child’s health so proceed with utmost care. This one is the ultimate test of your parenthood and here are few tips so that you are not lost midway. • Tip 1: Understand your kid The first thing is that you have to understand your kid, and this can be the easiest of things because you have known him since his birth. This one is a crucial step. After a positive diagnosis of attention disorder you need to spend a lot of time with your kid so that he gets all the care. • Tip 2: Have a clear mindset You will have emotional outbursts at regular intervals due to so much anxiety and stress. But that is not good for your kid. You should have a clear picture of the scenario and how is it going to be in the near future and only then you will be able to deal with it properly. • Tip 3: Sharing responsibilities Looking after your child can be physically as well as psychologically exhausting. So it will be quite difficult for the mother alone to look after the child. The father should share the responsibilities so that both of your health remains at the peak to look after your child. • Tip 4: Make thing easy As your child cannot process complex instructions it is entirely your duty to make thing easier for him. For instance you can write down the rules in a piece of paper and paste them in a place which is easily accessible to him. • Tip 5: Good diet, lots of sleep and rejuvenating activities Eating healthy food and a sound sleep can help your child with ADD. Restrict fast foods, homemade delicious food can reduce the symptoms. Activities like football, dance, and painting can keep him busy for long hours. Keeping all this in mind, you just need to hope that everything’s going to be fine.