Understanding a Child with ADHD

Understanding a Child with ADHD

21 July 2018 Admin General Media

ADHD is a very commonly misunderstood condition that often is not even diagnosed as the child’s behaviour is chalked up to other, more easily understandable and acceptable ‘reasons’ like inattention or restlessness. In fact, many parents tend to panic if their child is diagnosed and therefore stay away, potentially harming the child by not having his or her problem identified. However, children with ADHD need special care to keep up with their symptoms, and for this, we must understand what their condition is all about.Here you can know how to understand ADHD childrens and know about there special needs.

What is ADHD? ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), or hyperkinetic disorder, is a neurobehavioral development disorder that first shows symptoms in children around the age of six to twelve. It can continue into adulthood, and even develop at that stage. Often, people with high levels of intelligence have been incorrectly tested, as standard testing methods do not make provisions for the symptoms of ADHD. Incorrect classification or non-classification of ADHD can lead to serious problems in later life, so it is important to know the symptoms associated with ADHD.

How to identify if your child has ADHD ADHD is of three kinds: inattentive type, hyperactive type and combined type.

Children with the former tend to:

  • Have trouble remembering details
  • Get distracted easily
  • Easily bored unless engaged in something enjoyable
  • Lose odds and ends like stationery, or fail to complete and turn in homework
  • Have difficulty following instructions, or seem slow, disoriented or disconnected

Those with greater hyperactivity and/or impulsivity than inattention show some or all of the following traits:

  • Fidgeting
  • Excessive talking
  • Restlessness; inability to sit still for a moderate length of time
  • Impatience; interruption while someone is speaking, or inability to wait their turn
  • Bluntness, unrestrained displays of emotion, and/or acting without a care for consequences

Children with combined type show a significant number of symptoms of both these types. Also, know that your child can be diagnosed with ADHD only if these symptoms cause developmental, behavioural, educational or social problems.

What it means to have ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, if not identified or properly diagnosed can lead to host of problems in later life. Children in school are very likely to be bullied or picked on for their underperformance, and this can lead to the development of a negative self-image due to frustration, guilt, fatigue, aggression and peer-induced stress. ADHD, whether or not diagnosed and treated with medications, can have an adverse effect on your child as he or she grows; it is also common for children with ADHD to have other associated disorders. As an adult, they may try to cope with these symptoms with alcohol or turn to drugs if their persistent symptoms continue to cause problems in their educational, professional or social lives.

What can you do as a parent? Having your child diagnosed with ADHD can lead to doubt on your part about your own failure as a parent. The truth, however, is that there is no established cause of the disorder. The best course of action for both you and your child would be to engage in psychotherapy, and medicines as prescribed by the paediatrician.