Useful Teaching tools for Reading Disorder Dyslexia
Dyslexia refers to the reading and language disorder in children. It is usually identified after they take assessments and evaluations that help spot reading disorder. Testing is the first step in identifying strategies for dyslexic students. Evaluation process can also provide teachers with the information to plan students’ program. It can provide important insight into a student’s learning process.
Special education teachers and school psychologists can work closely with dyslexic students to analyze their work and gain immediate feedback and information on the types of reading and writing errors that the student makes. This information can be very helpful in determining which teaching strategies may help the student and in developing special instruction.
Developing Special Education Programs
Several strategies can help children with dyslexia manage their reading disorder and thrive in classroom. It is important for parents and educators to choose methods based on the student’s learning strengths. Parents and educators should also consider how dyslexia may affect the child and the evaluation information. It is equally important to monitor the child’s progress to measure the effectiveness of interventions. It may be necessary to try different methods or use a combination of methods to meet a dyslexic child’s learning needs.
Strategies that may Help Students in Reading
Teachers can implement the following strategies to help students with dyslexia improve their reading skills. Parents may also try some of these techniques at home.
- Multisensory Methods: These are useful teaching tools that can help dyslexic students learn through their senses of touch, hearing and sight.
- Individual Tutoring: This allows teachers to work with students with dyslexia, in one-to-one sessions. These may give students immediate guidance and feedback as they learn to read. It allows teachers to spot learning errors quickly, so they do not impair future learning.
- Phonics Methods: These methods focus on dyslexic student’s connections, sounds and their letter symbols.
- Whole Language Methods: It teaches students by emphasizing natural reading activities and sight word vocabulary. In many cases, a student’s reading skills may develop naturally from this exposure.
- Speech and Language Therapy: It may help students with phonological disorders and focus on teaching students to recognize sight words and other strategies to effectively manage their learning differences.
By reviewing learning disability and learning basic information about dyslexia, teachers and parents will know about how it affects a student’s reading, writing and language skills. These teaching tools may be effective in teaching children to do well in their reading and comprehension.