Therapy Brush

Therapy Brush


The Therapressure Brush is a must-have tool for treating sensory integration issues in children and adults.

Also known as the "Corn Brush." This brush was the original brush recommended for the Wilbarger Protocol pressure program. Latex free. A brush that was specially designed for the Wilbarger Protocol brushing program. The Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (formerly referred to as the Wilbarger Brushing Protocol or WBP) is a therapy program designed to reduce sensory or tactile defensiveness. Children who exhibit symptoms of tactile defensiveness are extremely sensitive to touch. Many parents of children / adults with autism or sensory issues have reported seeing decreases in sensory defensiveness and anxiety as a result of using this technique. Some of the benefits of the Wilbarger Protocol may include improved ability to transition between daily activities, improved attention span, a decreased fear or discomfort of being touched, enhanced coordination, and self-regulation. Dimensions: 3"L x 1.5"W

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